While the rest of us vent our dislike for the cold or begrudge the mess that tracks into the house from out of pools of melting snow she calmly turns the days of our wintry discontent into great personal gain.
She uses winter, as she does all the seasons, as a change-up for many aspects of her life. She lets in new interests and literally puts some on the shelf.
In her home she changes out what has been set out to create a mood (throw pillows, afghans, decorative pieces) for items that freshen the overall look, as she'll be doing now with Valentine's Day coming up.
These are small switches but noticeable. The revolving visual pieces act just like an elementary teacher fixing up a classroom with little works of art so that students have the continual expectation of a next thing to look forward to.
They are purposeful touches done for her own joy and satisfaction and to share with others. She'll tell you that life, in its many recreations of itself, should always be celebrated and remarked upon, even with something very small.
She also uses each season for internal renewal. Winter is for spiritual reading and books that make her think about the meaning of life.
In the quiet of this season she taps the quiet within her. It's a match which winter, better than any other season, seems made to carry out.
She fills the quiet part of herself, geared to listen and learn, with the wisdom, strength and advice her winter reading , specifically gathered for this reason, provides.
Spring brings more active outdoor meditation for my friend. With the days growing warmer she walks outside and prays as she walks.
She takes in nature's renewal while feeling spring percolating through her.
She says it's a wonderful thing to follow this path from winter reflection to spring's confident committed steps.
She's fashioned, for her wellbeing , a calm command center for all times of the year by taking notes from nature and the calendar and being prepared to follow their cues.
She's in sync with the seasons. We could all take some cues from her for the powerful peace it gives.
Ro Giencke - February 7, 2015
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